== If you running Sngine v3.12 you can upgrade to v3.13 ==

== Backup your database and your website files just in case something wrong happened                        ==
== Uninstall any Sngine plugin(s) from your Sngine both files and any database changes made by this plugin  ==
== If you can't do it ask the plugin author(s) for support and help                                         ==

You can check our video tutorial from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jch1GaWuBbE

Note: Make sure you are running on the default Sngine theme 

1- Shutdown your system from the admin panel

2- Upload all files located in the "Script" folder and replace all files and folders, Except:

-- content/backups (folder)
-- content/uploads (folder)
-- includes/config.php (file)

3- Copy "update.php" file from "Update 3.12 to 3.13" folder to your server

4- Run the "update.php" file (http://yourdomain.com/path_to_script/update.php)

5- Empty this folder "content/themes/default/templates_compiled"

6- Remove any browser cache and cookies ( Check this to learn how: https://bit.ly/SngineClearCache )

7- Only for Cloudflare users, Don't forget to flush your website cache from Cloudflare

8- Go to your admin panel (http://yourdomain.com/path_to_script/admincp) and make site live again

9- Delete "update.php" from your script folder after updating

And That's it, Have Fun :)


Don't forget to check Sngine blog for a lot of tutorials:

If you need help/support:
Open support ticket here and our team will help you: https://www.zamblek.com/support
** Kindly make sure you don't have expired support **